Friday, 16 May 2014

Bloggers Quilt Festival Spring 2014

It is time for the Bloggers Quilt Festival superbly organised by Amy from Amy's Creative Side.

Like last year, this year we are allowed two entries and this is my second one.  This is for the Art quilts category.

It's called 'The Vikings Are Coming' and is my own design.  It was inspired by a pewter thimlbe my husband brought back from a business trip to Shetland.
I used Bondaweb to do the main applique then embroidered over it by hand.  Finally I free motion quilted it on my domestic machine.
Here are some photos of the process and some close up details.

 Before quilting.........

A big thank you to Amy and all the sponsors for their time and generosity for making this all happen.
Voting in the festival begins 24th May 2014.  Be sure to go and vote for your favourites and just enjoy all the entries.  Let the fun begin!


Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Always amazed by your work Rhianon

Andrea @ Mouse in My Pocket said...

This is absolutely stunning work. How large is the finished quilt?

Quilting Babcia said...

This has always been one of my favorites of your quilts!

einfach bunt said...

wow, so cool!!

tirane93 said...

the detail is amazing and the design is so lovely. the waves are superb work!

M-R Charbonneau said...

This is one of my favourites of your work, Rhianon. I'm so glad you entered this one! Stunning!

Denise Bongiovanni~ said...

What a beautiful quilt. Your work is so inspiring to me. I love the beard and other textures you incorporated. Thank you for sharing and good luck!!


liniecat said...

Incredible designs and stunning stitching, wishing you the very very best of luck!
: )

CitricSugar said...

I was wondering if we'd see this one again...

It's so amazing.. All the little details...

Judy Cooper Textile Artist said...

This piece is magnificent! Thanks for sharing your process.

PaintedThread said...

I love your work. This is beautiful.

Queenie Believe said...

The detail in this quilt is wonderful! I love your attention to detail and design sense. Beautiful work.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie

Hilary Florence said...

What a wonderful mix of hand embroidery and FMQ. A wonderful quilt, and I really like the decoration on the corners of the border.

Diane-crewe said...

on Sunday I was wandering down the isle of quilts when one caught my eye... I KNOW that I thought ... and it was your stunning hummingbirds ... with their well deserved rosette xx WELL DONE..... my friend was very impressed that I could claim to "know of" the maker !! lol xx

Diane-crewe said...

oops .. forgot to say .. I was of course at the Malvern show!!

Ольга Романив said...

Rhianon, браво!!! Супер-работа!

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