Friday, 16 May 2014

Blogger Quilt Festival - Spring 2014

It that time of year again when Amy from Amy's Creative Side organised the Bloggers Quilt Festival
                                               Spring '14 Blogger's Quilt Festival -
I've decided my first entry is my Floating Hearts Baby Quilt.
This is my own design and I kept it simple with large areas for quilting.  I used Bondaweb to applique the hearts and I free motion quilted it on my domestic machine.  The feathers are all freehand, unmarked.

I used one layer of a thick 6oz polyester wadding/batting and this really made the hearts stand out once I'd 'flattened' the background with some stippling.

I decided to round off the corners and finished it with some pink binding.

From the back - loopy heart pastern in the border.

I am, entering this quilt into the Small Quilts category.
I'd like to finish this post by thanking Amy for organising the festival and to all the sponsors generously providing all the prizes.  Voting begins on 24th May.
Let the fun begin!!


NonnaD said...

I was hoping to vote today! :-) beautiful quilt!♡

Pattilou said...

Having just attended a class last week on Trapunto quilting last week, yours could be a stellar example of what to do and what works. Wonderful!

Seams Sew Together said...

Gorgeous quilt and fabulous quilting!!

What Comes Next? said...

still as beautiful as the first time I saw it!

AnnieO said...

Stunning quilting added to such a sweet design. Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your quilt's story.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

This is exquisite..the quilting is amazing! :) I am a hand-quilter but sometimes I see machine quilting that is so much like the old antique quilts with every inch covered in stitches that it amazes me, and yours most certainly does! Plus the design is just as pretty and sweet as can be! :)

CitricSugar said...

You always leave me speechless with your quilting....

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

I have always enjoyed your quilting and this little beauty is no exception. Your talents are truly showcased in this sweet quilt! :)

Cynthia said...

Amazing quilting!! Your feathers look awesome and I love how the hearts pop!! Great work!

Kath Garvey said...

Every time I see this quilt it makes me smiles. So beautiful and amazing quilting !!

Dana Gaffney said...

Your quilting is beautiful! I keep going back and looking at the stitching. WOW

Diane E W said...

I loved this quilt the first time I saw it on your blog. Good luck at Quilt Fest.

Kim said...

Your quilt is so pretty and the trapunto quilting is amazing!

Queenie Believe said...

This is the best baby girl quilt! Beautiful work!
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie

Kathy Schwartz said...

Love everything about this quilt!

Di said...

Rhianon, your feathers are perfect! Gorgeous quilt in every way :-)

Vivian said...

A very, very beautiful and special quilt! Your stitching is masterful and really elevates the quilt to heirloom.

sherry said...

love your quilting…makes those hearts come alive

Renee said...

Beautiful quilting! Love how those hearts and feathers pop!

Hannele said...

Adorable quilt with beautiful quilting and trapunto!

Nini And The Sea said...

love the pop out hearts and the rounded corners! Beautiful!

SuperMomNoCape said...

Such a beautiful quilt! And your quilting is simply stunning!

Lori said...

Amazing! Stunning quilting. I will vote for you. Very inspirational.

Wendy said...

such a wonderful quilt! I actually thought it was trapunto until I read you'd just used a very puffy wadding.

Ann said...

Such wonderful quilting. I'm so impressed you quilted with polyester batting on a home machine. I always use cotton because polyester moves too much for me. Beautiful results! Congratulations.

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