Quilting Projects

Friday 25 May 2012

Shimmering Seahorses Wall Hanging.

Hi there

I finished my seahorses wall hanging last night.
Here it is:

Unfortunately I didn't get it finished in time to take a photo before the sun went down.

For the seahorses I worked the machine embroidery with a layer of wadding underneath, then I cut away the excess before making a proper quilt sandwich.

I stupidly added the beads by hand before I machine quilted it.  This made it difficult to quilt close to the edge of the seahorses.  You live and learn!

I quilted simple stippling in on the background and pebbles on the inner dotty border.

In the HST section I quilted a swirly circles pattern to represent water.

I had fun using a variety of varigated and metallic threads.

The following photos were taken before it was finished but I like how they show up the quilting.

I had worked an outline around the seahorses and corals but didn't like it so I had some unpicking to do :(

I quite like how it turned out in the end.

Today I'm linking up with Confessions of a Fabric Addict and also TGIFF, which is hosted today by Dreaming in Patchwork.  It's been a while since I had a friday finish so it's nice to take part again.

I'm off to crawl about the floor now - basting a quilt.
Enjoy your day.


  1. How do you do it??? So MANY and AMAZING !!! projects completed all the time! I simply love to look at your blog :-) Well done once again!!!!

  2. Visiting your site / blog, is like going to an art show. I love all and everything you do. Carol Derouin

  3. How cute! I've always liked sea horses. Fun quilt.

  4. Wow, I liked them last week without the embellishing and quilting, I'm absolutely in love with them this week. What a great work of art.

  5. Absolutely lovely Rhianon! I saw the reveal on FB first so came over. Thanks for liking my Trolls too. :-)

  6. It is beautiful, Rhianon! Your beading work is gorgeous, and so is the quilting. Not too much fun unpicking quilting stitches, huh? I hate when I have to do that, too! I love starting my day with a picture of great artwork on my mind. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Rhianon I never cease to be amazed at your beautiful work. Each one is more beautiful than the last, love the seahorses!!

  8. That is gorgeous! Good job!!!

  9. Beautiful! I love sea horses : yours are splendid!

  10. OMG, Rhianon! Those details are incredible!

  11. Just Gorgeous!!! I just love all the embellishments and details on the sea horses!

  12. wow, Wow, WOW! your handbeading is stunningly beautiful, and your quilting is fabulous! thanks for linking up with TGIFF and sharing with everyone! :)

  13. Such detail and imagination...Love the colors..

  14. This turned out beautifully! I love the colors and the beading. Congratulations on a wonderful quilt.

  15. Beautiful wall hanging Rhianon, really beautiful!!

  16. Wonderful work. I have really enjoyed looking at your photos.

  17. Your quilt is absolutely amazing. The half square triangle blocks make a great background and the sea horses look like they are moving. Wonderful quilting!

  18. This is so beautiful! Really an amazing piece of art!! Whoop whoop!!

  19. Your quilt is so beautiful - A;ways meant to make an applique one similar...but ...other things call to me.
    Where abouts in Scotland do you live - I went there a few years ago - and think its Gods own country...so full of history! Tried to leave a comment here yesterday but it wouldnt work - so trying again.
