Quilting Projects

Monday 21 May 2012


While I wait for the wadding to be delivered for the butterfly quilt, I thought I needed a little project to keep me going.
I started with this pile of bonus HSTs from the afore mentioned quilt.

I thought these would make a nice border for something, so sticking with the aquatic theme I decided to do seahorses.

First I made some cardboard templates......

I chose some yummy batiks for the seahorses..

Now they need a setting to go in.......

I used Bond-a-web for the first time and I love it.  Before I ironed a stabiliser on the back, cut out my design and then used basting spray to attach before sewing.  The Bond a web is much quicker and I can see me using a lot of this in the future.

Here are the seahorses attachd and it is ready for some serious machine quilting now....

I'm not sure if I like the way this one is going but I'm too far down the road now.
I quite like the way the center seahorses are 'hiding' among the corals.  Hopefully the seahorses will come to life when I've added some features and detail.

Hope to get this finished today if I get a good run on it.
See you next time.

I'm linking up with Connie's blog ,Quilting By The River  so why not pop over and see what eveyone esle is getting up to toda.


  1. That is so pretty!! Looks like the two outside seahorses are guarding the inner ones. Beautiful.

  2. What a beautiful use of those batiks. Lot's of opportunity to play with embroidery on the seahorses.

  3. This is so beautiful! What a perfect way to use up your HST's and love the little sea horses! I always use Heat n Bond Lite and love it. Thanks for sharing!
    Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday

  4. I'm amazed! I saw that you have the left over HSTs, but I have not been following your blog long enough (I guess) to realize they would be used immediately and in such a mouth-droppingly beautiful way!.

  5. Misty Fuse is better, it stays soft and drape-able Unlike the bondaweb which is stiff.

    1. Thanks for the tip Jan. I will need to investigate if that is available in the UK. Sounds good.

  6. would you mind talking in depth (or steps) about the process - I have never used the fusibles and don't know where to start. Thank you!

    1. hi Jody. I have run out of Bondaweb but will be going shopping tomorrow for more. I will do a tutorial on how to use it over the weekend. Look out for it. Cheers

    2. Thanks so very much!!!! I'll be watching ...
