Quilting Projects

Friday 14 June 2013

Stars and Butterflies - Quilting Progress Update

Hello everyone

Sorry I didn't post last week - I had no finish to show and I don't this week but I have been getting a lot of quilting done on this quilt.

This was where I was up to and it was time to work on the cream flower borders.  This was the part I was really looking forward to.

Feathers in the background with tiny stippling behind to make them 'pop'

I am very happy with how this border is turning out.

Corner detail

Next up was a little detail on the flowers.

Now I have all the feathers done in the borders. 

I still have to work on the leaves and the butterflies yet but I can see light at the end of the tunnel.

So far I have spent 36 hours free motion quilting.  It's not as quick as you think sometimes.
Next time I post about this quilt, I hope to have it finished.

Before I go I received my prize from the Bloggers Quilt Festival.  

Aren't they gorgeous?  They came from Sew Fine Fabrics.  Jodi has the most beautiful, unusual fabrics and it was difficult to choose.  Can't wait to do something with these!
Have a great weekend.


  1. This quilt is beautiful and your fabric prize is lovely :)

  2. Congrats on your win Rhianon....your work deserves it all. You have so much patience with your quilting; it really shows.

  3. Gorgeous fmq! Love the details! I need to learn its not all done at one time or even 2! Can't wait to see what you make with your winnings!

  4. Rhianon, you excel at your quilting. I am so envious, your work is outstanding.

  5. Your quilt is coming along beautifully, Rhianon! I love the feathers and the micro stippling as they make the feathers look like trapunto. Thank you for sharing your progress!

  6. Gorgeous quilting - I love how you are enhancing the quilt rather than dominating it! And the previous post's baby quilt is beautiful too!

  7. What a wonderful work of art! Your work is very inspiring!!!

  8. Thanks Rhianon, tak for at du vil dele med os som ikke kan lave fjer. Nu vil jeg til at øve mig, du har givet mig mod. Jeg er ældre men man bliver aldrig for gammel til at lære noget nyt, er vores mundheld i min familie. Det må jeg så til at leve op til. Jeg glæder mig til at kunne lave lidt fjer. Jeg elsker dine. Ved godt at jeg aldrig kommer til at lave så smukke ting som dig. Men mindre kan jeg også være tilfreds men. Men du giver mig mod. Jeg ønsker dig lykke og held. Hilsen fra Danmark,
