Quilting Projects

Saturday 11 May 2013

Stars and Butterflies Quilt - Part 2

Hi there,
Hope you are all having a good week.
 I've been making good progress with this quilt and thought it was time to post about it again.

Last time I posted it looked like this.  I was in the process of doing the appliqued flowers and leaves.

I used bondaweb for the applique and satin stitched  around the edges.

When that was done, I made lots of half square triangle units and used them for the next border.  A plain border finished the top.

This is laid out on my deck, basted and ready to quilt.

Even cracked open a new pair of gloves.....

Free hand feathers around the central butterfly with tiny stippling in the background.

Oops where's my seam ripper???

feather filler

In the machine...

Center section almost done.  I still have to go back and do a little more work on the stars.
This is it on my bed.  It's a big quilt!
Next time I post, it will be finished.  Not sure when.  It has taken 14 hours of quilting so far.  I'm keeping a tally just out of interest.
Have a good weekend everyone.


  1. Gorgeous Rhianon!! Don't know how you do such lovely work...never mind the small space. i guess you are just good at what your do,eh...great job!!

  2. Fabulous! I so love all your stitching and work.

  3. It's amazing, Rhianon! Way to go!

  4. I love, love, love. Beautiful.

  5. I didn't realize how large this quilt is, until you showed it on top of your bed. It is so pretty!!

  6. Beautiful quilt and even more beautiful quilting! You've done a great job on this!

  7. It's gorgeous!!! Really amazing!
