Quilting Projects

Friday 20 April 2012

Work in Progress - Little Gecko

Hello everyone.

Hope you have had a good week.  I've not had much time for my own sewing but I did manage to start a challenge we were given at quilt group on monday.

We were handed these bags.....
........ and our challenge is to decorate them in any way we wish.
Using some of the 3D techniques I've been playing about with, I decided to do a 3D gecko.
I took my inspiration from these little clay ones that my brother brought back from Cancun, Mexico.

After I had a drawing I was happy with, I made a template of the gecko and transfered it onto fabric.

I used one layer of wadding and a piece of backing fabric, then machine quilted patterns on the gecko's body.

When that was complete, I added another layer of wadding and a piece of fabric in gecko colour to the back. 
Going slowly, I then sewed a small close together zig zag stitch all around the edge.  It was quite tricky going round his feet. Once done, I very carefully cut him out, going as close to the stitching as possible.

At this point I decided he was a little flat so I slit open his belly and stuffed with some spare wadding.

That's better....

He's a bit plumper now.
I am going to sit him on a bed of leaves which are made in exactly the same way.

That is as far as I've got at the moment but I have a clear day ahead of me so hope to have him finished later.

Next time you see him, he will be on the bag........
Going to get sewing now ...........



  1. OOH! I love him!! Waiting to see the bag xx

  2. This is very cute and inspirational!! Thank you for sharing!!

  3. You really captured the Mexican clay art! That is exactally what I thought before I even saw your clay geckos!

  4. Rhianon, you give me inspiration that one can do just about anything with material. Well, as long as you can draw....lol...I am going to (one day) make a fish quilt for my husband. I could use this technique. Thanks for sharing.
    by for now. Tammie

  5. I'm in awe that you did that by machine. It's going to be really wonderful when the bag is finished.

  6. Rhianon, wow!! This lizard is just toooo cute!! Great job!! I want to one of those!! Do you want to trade?? I would love to have one! We should talk! Hugs

    1. Sandie, I don't believe for a minute that someone of your artistic capabilities couldn't make one of these. I'm up for a trade if you really want to. Get back to me. Rhianon.

  7. How completely clever, cute, and well-executed! Believe me, that is one gecko I'd rather have in my house than the real ones. (I live in Hawaii)

  8. Thank you everyone for your fantastic comments. I hope I inspire you to try things you've never done before - you never know how things are going to turn out. :)
