Quilting Projects

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Work in Progress - the Background.

Thought I'd give you step by step updates of this project -especially this part because not much of it will be seen when I'm finished with it,

I started with a piece of black cotton and made a quilt sandwich using Hobbs heirloom 80/20 black wadding.
To add a bit of interest, I stitched down some rainbow organza in opposite corners.....

Then using a sparkly thread I quilted, quite lightly, some leafy sprays and a couple of feathers ( couldn't resist!).

After binding it with a gorgeous multi coloured batik, it now looks like this and is ready for me to start building it up with these.......

Lots of little flower components......

Some will be machine quilted to the top and the rest will be sewn on by hand.

I've no idea if this will turn out a success or not - it could be way over the top - but then, I've had a lot of fun
playing with the fabrics.
Til next time......


  1. what ever it becomes it is stunning xx

  2. I just caught up with your posts...love everything you have been making but I adore your place-mats...gorgeous:)

  3. This really looks beautiful so far! You come up with the neatest ideas!
