Quilting Projects

Tuesday 24 April 2012

I won an award !

Hello everyone.

I woke up this  morning and discovered that I have been awarded a Sunshine Award for my blog.


I have to thank Kay Bell, The Borderline Quilter for the nomination.
Kay is a super talented, award winning long arm quilter so head on over to her blog to see her work.

I have seen on a few blogs that some quilters do not like awards, but for me, I am delighted, thrilled, over the moon, honoured and just down right chuffed that someone thinks enough of my work to nominate ME!
Thank you Kay.

As part of the nomination I have to tell you something about myself.  I've been a quilter for over 12 years.
I have been free motion quilting for just over a year now and am so happy because I finally feel like more well rounded quilter who can tackle anything! The last 12 years have been spent learning my craft.  I love all aspects of quilting , from piecing to the quilting itself.
I will forever be a quilter!

Now I have to nominate a few people who I think deserves an award. 
I hope you will all accept because you all do fantastic work and have great blogs!

1 :   Ginny, The Brooklyn Quilter  - A great quilter who I think deserves to have more followers!

2:   Edit ,http://editfoltmuhelye.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/masodik-nekifutasra.html  - a lovely lady who has been on a free motion quilting journey with me as we have both been doing the Free Motion Quilting Challenge.

3: Deborah , from A Pilgrim's Quilts - a great quilter with a great blog.

4 : Julie from My Quilt Diary - talented quilter whose blog I always enjoy.

5:  Connie from Quilting by the River.  I love going to visit Connie's blog - she always has interesting work going on.

When you get your award - all you have to do is :
create a post with the following details:

Thank the person who nominated you for this Sunshine Award and link them back.
Then tell something about yourself.
Spread the joy by nominating your fellow bloggers and friends, its a way of appreciation.
Lastly but most important tell the bloggers about their nomination.
So those are my nominees, I hope you will enjoy going to visit.
See you all next time.


  1. Congrats, Rhianon! So well deserved!

  2. Congratulations for a well deserved award. Your free motion quilting is awesome and i admire anyone who can make a machine behave so well. You are also kind to pass on the award. I was having trouble with posting before Blogger went and changed everything.Now I am in way over my head. I think there needs to be an award for computer Gurus out there and an on-going list of those who so kindly pass on their assistance to us old folks who grew up back in the days when communication was done by a phone attached to the wall that had a crank so you could give a coded ring to others on your party line. I am becoming increasingly stressed out by "progress"!

  3. Congratulations Rhianon on a well deserved award! I always enjoy seeing the beautiful things you make! Thanks also for nominating me.

  4. Congratulations Rhianon, I love the way your Blog is set up. You are very talented. I'm going to look around your blog some more. Camille Woods,Talihina,Oklahoma,USA
