Quilting Projects

Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year - 2011 Review

Happy New Year everyone!!!  I hope 2012 brings everything you wish for.

For myself, on a personal level, 2011 was not a good year, however on a quilting level it has been fantastic!

In January I started blogging and I have met so many lovely people.  It has been a joy to log on everyday to so many wonderful blogs.  To give and receive encouragement and just enthuse about all things quilty has been the best.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank every single one of you who has come and visited my blog and a special thank you to everyone who has ever left a comment.

I have lots planned for 2012 but for now I'd like to share some of my favourite pieces worked in 2011.

                                             Mariner's Compass Wall Hanging

                                                    Batik Wall Hanging

                                                   Dresden Lap Quilt

                                            Trapunto Butterfly Wall Hanging

                                                  Dresden Cushion

                                         Disappearing 9 patch Lap Quilt with rounded corners (hand quilted)

                                               Dragonfly Wall Hanging

                                                     Colourful Cushion

                                                Hand Dyed Quilted Cushion
                                                  Bird of Paradise -  my favourite!

                                                Trapunto Butterfly

                                                 Tallships Quilt

                                                   Dresden Cushion

                                                 Pinwheels Baby Quilt

                                                         Anniversary Wall Hanging

                                                       Froggy Baby Quilt

                                                 Lil' Twister Baby Quilt

... and finally, 2011 was the year of the mug rug !

I hope you enjoyed my little end of year show.

I will remember 2011 as the year I took the plunge and learned how to do free motion quilting.
It has opened up a whole new world to me and I am loving every minute.

I hope you will come back and be a regular visitor ( or even a follower) to my blog this year.  I have a lot of projects lined up and probably a few unexpected ones too.
Let the fun begin!
Til the next time
Happy Stitchng


  1. What a lot of lovely finishes! Wow you are much more adventurous than me with FMQ - good for you! Happy stitching and Happy New Year!

  2. you had a very productive year waiting to see what you do in 2012 xx

  3. You do such wonderful work, Rhianon and I'm so glad I 'met' you this year. Looking forward to our 2012 journey!

  4. Nice post....I love your blog posts...and a Happy New Year to you Rhianon....glad to know you. I love all of your pieces shown here..especially the Bird of Paradise...great work.

  5. Wow! So many beautiful projects, and I just love your mug rugs (I've told you that many times :) The Bird of Paradise is spectacular!

  6. New Year's resolutions: 1) Talk rhianon into teaching me some of the dragonfly quilt techniques; 2) work out why rhianons blog loads from the bottom up EVERY TIME and see if I can get her to fix it. ;) Hope you have a bright and brilliant 2012. Has been lovely getting to know you this year!

  7. Wow...when you put all of your makes in one post it is impressive...lovely work.

  8. Your work is exquisite! You are my hero with your feathers!!!! Good for you, sweetie!

  9. You created some beautiful quilts last year. I have enjoyed you use of color. Congratulations on a great quilting year.

  10. You do absolutely beautiful work!. I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite they are all so nice. I've put you on my Google Reader so I'll be checking in often.
    Happy New Year!
