Quilting Projects

Friday 13 January 2012

Cushions - with a little inspiration from Jennie Rayment !

Hello there

It's only been a week since I last posted but it feels longer than that.  It is so good to get back to a normal routine after the Christmas holidays and this week that included our first meeting of the Glenrothes Quilters!

As usual, Irene had something exciting for us to do - a new block by British quilter Jennie Rayment.
I love Jennie Rayment's work - she is so clever to come up with all these designs.  Some of you may have heard of her as she does a lot of teaching at home and abroad.  If not here is the link to her website:

This is the block ......

After adding a couple of borders, I machine quilted it.  Don't forget to click on the photos for a bigger view.

Close up of quilting.  For the first time I used a sparkly thread ( Guetterman Sulky )  and I loved how it looks on the black.

I thought this would be awful to work with but it was no problem !

After adding a black ruffle....  here is the finished cushion.  I'm giving this to my DH becasue he made lots of favourable noises when I showed him it!

If you are new to my blog, here are a couple of cushions I made last year using another Jennie Rayment block.

I have ordered Jennie's new book and can't wait for it to arrive.  I really want to make a quilt using her methods.

Today I'm linking up with M R from Quilt Matters becasue she is hosting this weeks TGIFF, so if you have a few minutes pop over and check out this weeks finishes.


Have a great weekend and I'll be back soon with a BIG finish !!!!


  1. Wow, this looks so complicated! Very nicely done!

  2. Oooh! Your page didn't load upside down for me this time! Yay! I think you should host a tgiff! :) you're so good at finishes!

  3. Love your pillows...just wonderful. You have inspired me to make my own pillows!!! Thanks

  4. Rhianon, I just about spit out my Diet Coke when I read "because he made a lot of favourable noises when I showed it to him." Too funny because that's what I get a lot of too! I love that block -- it just draws you in when you realize that there's folding involved. Very cool. Thanks for sharing her website -- I'll definitely be checking it out. Beautiful work!

  5. love her work...love your colour choices xx

  6. your pillows just look wonderful!
    It's work month for us at quilt guild this month. I'm excited as we will have a soup lunch and then hang out about 3 hours longer than usual working on community projects. I only joined up in November and I do hope to learn a lot over time.

  7. Wow! The blocks literally leap off the cushion! I love the depth of them and I am amazed because on one hand I am surprised how well the fabrics really go together and really play well against each other. I will have to look more into her designs.

  8. Wow, your pillows are amazing! They look so tactile, 3D!!! I will start thinking about making pillow myself after your great inspiration!!!
