Quilting Projects

Monday 26 December 2011

Orca Bay Mystery Quilt Part 6

Hi everyone.  Well the mystery quilt continues despite it being Christmas time and Bonnie released part 6 a day early!!!!
After all the hard graft of the last few weeks, we finally got to make some blocks.

Ohio Star blocks to be precise.

Didn't take too long at all to cut all the necessary 21/2" squares to make these up.
Feels good to be working with some bigger pieces now.  The triangles in the hourglass units that make up the star are tiny !!!

For those of you who are not doing the mystery, I've placed my thimble on the block so you can get some idea of the scale.   I find, the smaller the pieces - the more room there is for inaccuracy :(                I'm trying my best to be as accurate as I can be.             
We have to make 28 with a white background and 28 with black backgrounds.  I reckon I am just over half way through.
I'm enjoying this very much but I still don't have a clue where it is going.  Looking forward to part 7 on Friday.

I'm linking up with Bonnie's blog again so head on over there and take a peek at everyones's progress.

Off to do some sewing now.
Have a great day everyone and thanks for stopping by.


  1. What lovely blocks! Hope you had a good Christmas. I am going to start on my blocks tomorrow when everyone is out of the way.

  2. Your blocks look great! I particularly like the photo you took with the thimble for size comparison!

  3. Nice, I like that we don't know where this going, lets wait and see!Nice visiting you *~*
